A year of blogging historically

4 thoughts on “A year of blogging historically”

  1. Chris! I just want to say I love your blog and I’m glad you’re going to continue it into 2018. AND congrats to you and Claire!! Yay!!!!

  2. Thank you for the year’s worth of informative, perspective-broadening posts. Know that your hard work did not go unappreciated, and that we look forward to your future posts, no matter how many diapers you have to change in between them!

    A thousand cocktails to you, sir (and a thousand more to your wife… just, not for at least a few months, right? Right.)

  3. Your posts have served as an important thread allowing me to find my way in this difficult year of American politics. I am grateful for the insights you offer, the hard topics you courageously tackle, and your gentle sense of humor.

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